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A tool to support learning in the digital age

Cén fáth SELFIE

Is féidir SELFIE a úsáid chun cuidiú le do scoil tuiscint níos fearr a fháil ar an úsáid a bhaintear as teicneolaíochtaí digiteacha chun tacú leis an teagasc agus leis an bhfoghlaim.

Le SELFIE, tugtar daltaí, múinteoirí agus ceannairí scoile le chéile chun machnamh a dhéanamh i gcomhar le chéile ar úsáid na teicneolaíochta. Féadfaidh na torthaí aird a tharraingt ar shaincheisteanna, cuir i gcás:

  • cad iad na réimsí ina n-úsáidtear an teicneolaíocht go héifeachtach sa scoil agus cad iad na réimsí ina bhfuil feabhas de dhíth?
  • an bhfuil fís ag lucht na scoile maidir leis an mbealach inar mian leo úsáid a bhaint as an teicneolaíocht agus, má tá, an bhfuil an fhís sin ar eolas ag an bhfoireann agus ag na daltaí?
  • cén cineál oiliúna is tairbhí do mhúinteoirí, dar leo?
  • cén áit ar cheart maoiniú a leithdháileadh?

Is féidir le SELFIE cuidiú le scoil cinntí eolasacha a dhéanamh trí athbhreithniú a dhéanamh agus feabhas leanúnach a chur ar an gcaoi a n-úsáidtear teicneolaíochtaí digiteacha le haghaidh an teagaisc, le haghaidh na foghlama agus le haghaidh an mheasúnaithe.


An méid a bhí le rá ag scoileanna

"It is a great opportunity for us, and it is very important that our viewpoints are valued. We are the key people for building, step-by-step, a better use of technologies for learning."

"We have clearer goals now and we are working to address the different viewpoints that we saw through the SELFIE school report".

"SELFIE made consensus easier because it prompted us to have detailed discussions about digital learning."

"Students feel ownership of the decisions we've taken on digital technologies as they gave input and joined discussions on the results."

"I think SELFIE is a very important tool as it invites the school communities to start a discussion on how they can improve the use of technologies. In this process it is very important to also hear the viewpoints of students. Because someone can think that they use technologies effectively in a school, but maybe students have a totally different opinion."