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European Education Area

Quality education and training for all

Erasmus+ Teacher Academies

Erasmus+ Teacher Academies create European partnerships and promote cooperation between teacher education institutions and training providers. Their objective is to offer support for teachers at the beginning of their career and strengthen their professional development. They encourage multilingualism, language awareness, cultural diversity, and deep transnational cooperation between teacher training institutions.

Funding academies

Funding is made available for teacher education institutions and a list of other organisations. 

The current Erasmus+ call plans to support creating 15 Teacher Academies.

Organisations can apply for the open call for funding via the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal (FTOP). 


Erasmus+ Teacher Academies aim to

  • create networks of communities of practice on teacher education
  • offer teachers’ courses, modules and other learning opportunities on EU priorities such as learning in the digital world, sustainability, equality and inclusion
  • develop and test different models of mobility in initial teacher education and continuous professional development
  • make mobility an integral part of teacher education policies in Europe
  • develop sustainable relationships between teacher education providers and other related groups


Each Erasmus+ Teacher Academy will implement activities including

  • creating innovative strategies for teachers’ continuous development
  • deliver new, challenging joint learning modules on teacher education
  • develop a joint learning offer for teachers that includes physical and virtual mobility activities, and identify ways to remove obstacles to mobility
  • encourage training schools to test new ways of teaching including distance or blended learning
  • research or survey effective practices which can inform policies on teacher education
  • promote existing virtual mobility Erasmus+ tools such as eTwinning

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