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European Education Area

Quality education and training for all

Council Recommendation on Common values, Inclusive Education and the European Dimension of Teaching

Human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities, are values which are shared by EU Member States. They form the fabric of our Union that binds countries, communities and people together, as outlined in Article 2 of the Treaty of Lisbon

Inclusive and high quality education and training, at all levels, as well as the European dimension of teaching, are paramount for creating and maintaining a cohesive European society. Learning about Europe's common cultural heritage and diversity, and a strong understanding of the origins and functioning of the European Union is essential knowledge for every EU citizen. 

The Council Recommendation on Common values, Inclusive Education, and the European Dimension of Teaching was proposed by the Commission and adopted by the Council according to the ordinary legislative procedure. The Recommendation aims to promote a sense of belonging – conveying common values, practicing inclusive education, and teaching about Europe and its Member States to help increase a sense of belonging to one's school, locality, country, as well as the European family.

The Recommendation also seeks to strengthen social cohesion, to fight xenophobia, radicalisation, divisive nationalism and the spread of fake news. It target the achievement of these objectives by:

  • Promoting common values at all stages of education
  • Fostering more inclusive education
  • Encouraging a European dimension of teaching, while strengthening the competence of national administrations in this field
  • Offering a diverse range of support to teachers and educational institutions

These actions are in line with ongoing work at the EU-level to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights. The EU’s tools and funding instruments – in particular, the Erasmus+ programme and the European Structural and Investment Funds – continue to make a strong contribution to the implementation of this Recommendation.

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