Working Groups
Learn more about the work of European Education Area Strategic Framework Working Groups on digital education.
Digital education updates
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European Digital Education Hub
The Hub promotes reinforced cooperation and dialogue between stakeholders in the field of digital education. Discover the Digital Education Hub
This community of practice supports the updating of the reference Digital Competence Framework. Join the DigComp community
SELFIE community
Become a member of the SELFIE community on LinkedIn to collaborate with other users of the tool. Contribute to the SELFIE community
SELFIE for TEACHERS community
Join the DigCompEdu community of practice to discuss and interact with other educators about SELFIE for TEACHERS, its conceptual framework and related resources. Join the DigCompEdu community
Get involved
Digital Education Hackathon
DigiEduHack is an opportunity for anyone in the world to contribute to solving issues in digital education. Find out about the Digital Education Hackathon
EU Code Week
The EU Code Week is a grassroots initiative bringing coding and digital literacy to everybody in a fun way. Discover what Code Week has to offer