Supporting wellbeing and mental health through education: a series of inspiring factsheets for schools

The European Commission, in cooperation with NESET (Network of Experts on the Social Dimension of Education and Training) created a series of factsheets on:
- Importance of social and emotional learning
- Building resilience in schools
- Supporting wellbeing and mental health through education
- What can schools do about bullying?
- What motivates children who bully, and can they change?
- Wellbeing in the digital age
- Promoting teacher wellbeing
At the EU level, the European Education Area promotes the development of a ‘whole-system, whole-school approach’ to address mental health and wellbeing in schools and build positive learning environments for all learners and their teachers. Two main Commission initiatives support EU countries in developing this approach:
The whole-system, whole-school approach to wellbeing and mental health focuses on universal strategies for all children as a major goal of education. In addition, students at risk of, or experiencing, mental health issues benefit from targeted interventions, in collaboration with mental health professionals and family. The approach also underlines the importance of addressing the mental health and wellbeing of teachers and staff and their training needs. Implementation of such an approach in schools requires a comprehensive and coordinated effort across all levels of the education system (from policy and governance to individual schools, classrooms and students), and across policies (including health, social policies, migration, justice).
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