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European Education Area

Quality education and training for all


SELFIE for TEACHERS is run by the European Commission. It’s part of the Commission’s efforts to support teachers’ digital competence and to enhance learning in the digital age.

The work behind the tool

Ozadje orodja

SELFIE za UČITELJE je ena od 13 pobud akcijskega načrta Komisije za digitalno izobraževanje. Ta širši akcijski načrt podpira trajnostno in učinkovito prilagoditev sistemov izobraževanja in usposabljanja držav EU na digitalno dobo.

Seznanite se z akcijskim načrtom za digitalno izobraževanje za obdobje 2021–2027

Orodje temelji na evropskem okviru digitalnih kompetenc izobraževalcev. Pred začetkom delovanja oktobra 2021 ga je poskusno uporabilo 4 000 učiteljev in učiteljic.


Kontakt in posodobitve

Če se želite obrniti na nas, nam pišite (povezava odpre vašo e-pošto).

Če želite,


Kaj menijo drugi učitelji in učiteljice o orodju?

Kaj pravijo drugi učitelji in učiteljice

"It would be great to share aggregated data to help us define actions and goals at the school level."

"As a regional government, we can use the anonymous data to respond better to the needs of teachers and better learning for our students."

"SELFIE was very interesting for me. I appreciated having it in Lithuanian language. I saw my strengths and weaknesses."

“It is coming at exactly the right time. As we move post-COVID, we are asking how can we involve teachers more meaningfully in how they can build their digital capabilities and competence. A major challenge is knowing where they are at in terms of competence. This tool is really of benefit to teachers.”

"I got tips that helped me plan my activities in the next year."


Pri uporabi orodja SELFIE za UČITELJE so vsi vaši odgovori anonimni, vašega osebnega poročila pa ne posredujemo drugim, razen če se tako odločite sami.

Preberite izjavo o varstvu osebnih podatkov za SELFIE za UČITELJE