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Education for Climate Days 2022 – co-creating learning for climate resilience

The Education for Climate Days 2022 will take place online on 7, 8, and 9 November.

7 - 9 November 2022

The Education for Climate Days 2022 will take place online on 7, 8, and 9 November, focusing on the theme of “co-creating learning for climate resilience”.

Each day will deal with one key aspect of tackling climate change through education and training systems.

The goal is to answer together questions such as

  • what are the most immediate challenges we face as a result of climate change?
  • how can everybody in the education and training sector make a decisive contribution?

Three main topics

Students, educators, and education stakeholders will discuss three main topics with experts, policymakers, and other representatives during the conference:

  • climate change challenges
  • green education solutions
  • innovative implementation actions

About the Education for Climate Coalition

The Education for Climate Days are an initiative of the Education for Climate Coalition.

The Coalition is one of the many ongoing actions contributing to the green transition and to achieving the European Education Area, which envisages an inclusive, high-quality, sustainable European learning space by 2025.

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