Adult education and training in Europe: Building inclusive pathways to skills and qualifications
The report focuses on the coordination of policy measures throughout 42 education and training systems across 37 European countries
- 27 EU Member States
- Albania
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- The Republic of North Macedonia
- Iceland
- Liechtenstein
- Montenegro
- Norway
- Serbia
- Switzerland
- Turkey
It assesses whether countries’ strategies successfully promote access to learning opportunities among adults with low levels of basic skills and qualifications.
It presents a unique mapping of publicly (co-)funded adult education and training programmes, as well as existing guidance and support measures for the least qualified.
The report contributes to a better understanding of the state of adult learning in Europe and encourages reflection on how we can better respond to current and future challenges in this area.
The report has been developed based on priorities stipulated in the Council Recommendation on Upskilling Pathways.
Recent European Union (EU) policy initiatives, including
- the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan (with its ambitious 60% target for adult participation in education and training by 2030)
- the European Skills Agenda
continue to underline the importance of investing in adult skills and lifelong learning to building a true European Education Area.