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European Education Area

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Objavljeno:  30 Aug 2022

Upskill in the field of digital education

Discover opportunities to boost your digital education skills, competences and knowledge through the European Digital Education Hub this autumn.


The European Digital Education Hub has already welcomed more than 900 enthusiastic education stakeholders from various sectors across Europe looking to co-create and exchange knowledge.

With the help of community experts, in August we provided two online onboarding calls to help members understand the Community of Practice and navigate their new virtual home for all things digital education.

Join the Hub today to explore upcoming opportunities to boost your digital education skills, competences and knowledge this autumn!

Accelerator programme call for applications

We have already received a number of innovative applications for the Digital Education Hub accelerator programme.

The Digital Education Accelerator aims to bring together different stakeholders from various backgrounds to create an environment, in which learning driven by technology solutions occurs.

Apply to the accelerator programme until 31 August 2022 at 23:59 Central European Summer Time (CEST)!

Winning prototypes will be hand-picked in September 2022.

Community workshop in Brussels

The Hub community workshops offer the chance for community participants to come together face-to-face and learn from each other on specific topics related to digital education.

The second community workshop will take place in Brussels, Belgium, and will focus on ‘Digital education in times of crises: Emergency education enablers’. The expected date is late October 2022 (exact date to be confirmed).

The first community workshop took place in Tallinn, Estonia, from 20 to 21 June 2022. Its theme was ‘Mainstreaming lessons learned from COVID-19’. For two days, participants from twelve different European countries and all sectors of education came together to talk about their challenges during the last years of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Join the Hub and check the Hub News channel regularly to participate in upcoming community workshops.

Peer learning, mentoring and online clinics

With the aim of continuous professional development and growth, the European Digital Education Hub will introduce peer learning trajectories, mentoring and online clinics in November/December 2022.

Join the Hub for more information on how to apply and take part in these opportunities.

Peer learning trajectories

Peer learning trajectories are offered to educational stakeholders from all sectors, with the purpose of introducing or further developing a topic in digital education.

A trajectory covers three online sessions with a total duration from four weeks up to three months.


Mentorships provide guidance and advice on digital education to cross-sectoral education stakeholders. Mentoring will entail three or four two-hour sessions, spread over several weeks.

Online clinics

Online clinics with the participation of European digital education experts are organised for education stakeholders to get advice on digital education issues and challenges.

Keen to join the Hub?

The European Digital Education Hub is the community for cooperation, sharing good practices and meeting like-minded professionals.

Join to connect with digital education stakeholders from Europe and beyond and to explore available opportunities.

Register for the Hub today to start your digital journey!


Objavljeno:  30 Aug 2022

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