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Gepubliceerd op:  30 Jun 2022

Commission presents key principles and practices for supporting the inclusion of displaced children from Ukraine in school education

The European Commission publishes key principles and practices to support the inclusion of displaced children from Ukraine in national education systems within the EU.


The Staff Working Document builds on the lessons learned by European Union (EU) Member States since 24 February 2022 concerning the integration of displaced children due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The document offers considerations and concrete best practices for the EU’s education communities to ensure uninterrupted learning for all pupils arriving from Ukraine up to 18 years old, from early childhood education and care to upper secondary education.

European Commission Vice-President, Margaritis Schinas, commented

Welcoming so many Ukrainian refugees into European schools and universities is a tremendous opportunity to prepare Ukraine’s youth on their European path. Ukraine can count on the EU to support and protect their children, so that they can rebuild their country. Our solidarity is a pillar of our partnership – present and future.

European Commissioner, Mariya Gabriel, stated

As this school year ends, we can confidently say that we are ready for the autumn. We have been helping educators to provide education under the best possible conditions. And we have ensured that our schools will remain a safe haven for all pupils, whether they are refugees or EU nationals.

Today’s Staff Working Document was written by the Commission services in consultation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), representatives of  ministries of education, stakeholder organisations that met in peer learning events between March and June 2022, and with experts from the Network working on the social dimension of education and training (NESET).

More information is available on the School Education Gateway.

Gepubliceerd op:  30 Jun 2022

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