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Data tal-pubblikazzjoni:  26 Oct 2021

Work-based learning module brings new dimension to SELFIE tool

SELFIE for work-based learning (WBL) is a free online tool that supports Vocational Education and Training (VET) schools and companies to make the most of digital technologies for teaching, learning and training. SELFIE WBL supports schools and companies become fit for the digital age. In this way, it supports the digital transition, one of the key policy priorities of the European Commission. This adaption of SELFIE to the specific requirements of WBL is a necessary step to support VET schools.


If you are a VET school and you’d like to use the new SELFIE WBL module you should

  • log in to SELFIE (first time users can see how to register)
  • set up a new self-reflection exercise
  • choose “Upper secondary vocational level” when selecting your education level
  • click the checkbox “Will companies take part in this survey?”

Read all about SELFIE for work-based learning

Data tal-pubblikazzjoni:  26 Oct 2021