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eTwinning annual conference: "Education and Innovation - Being creative with eTwinning”

If you are interested in enhancing your teaching and your learners’ experiences through innovation, tune in!

About the conference

The eTwinning annual conference takes place on 19-21 October 2023. 

The first day of the conference (19 October from 16.45 CET) is open to all and will be available through livestreaming without prior registration.

In 2023, the theme of eTwinning is “Education and Innovation”. The annual conference follows this theme and invites participants to imagine an innovative and creative educational setting with the support of eTwinning. The aim of the conference is to raise awareness, engage and showcase participants on how eTwinning can help teachers in their schools.

The program of the first day of the conference includes:

  • keynote speeches followed by a question-and-answer session
  • celebrating innovation by announcing the eTwinning prize winners


  • Iliana Ivanova - European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
  • Georgi Dimitrov - Head of the Digital Education Unit, European Commission
  • Stephan Vincent-Lancrin - Senior Analyst, The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Who can participate

Online participation is open to teachers, trainers, school leaders and anyone interested in enhancing the quality of their teaching and their learners’ experiences through innovation and technology.

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