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Published:  3 Sep 2021

SELFIE Forum 2021: Empowering schools for learning in the digital age

The SELFIE tool supports primary and secondary schools to develop their digital strategy, alongside school communities – school leaders, teachers and students. It was launched in 2018, based on the European Digital Competence Framework for Organisations (DigCompOrg).

After almost 3 years, it has gathered 1.7 million users from 82 countries.

Learn about SELFIE

Upcoming community forum

On 7-8 October 2021 we will bring the SELFIE community together in the second SELFIE Forum. The event will welcome school leaders, teachers, students, trainers, national coordinators, policy makers, researchers, practitioners and future potential users. Plenary sessions of the online event will be live-streamed.

Register and find out more

Inspiring schools

This forum will focus on providing ideas and inspiration for schools to create their own action plan and take a step forward in terms of their digital empowerment.

To this end, it will bring together different groups of the educational community, users and those involved in SELFIE (policy makers, teachers, management teams, students, educational managers and researchers, among others) to share their experiences and examples of good practices. Groups will also reflect on how the tool might be improved, and on and critical aspects of digital education in the context of blended learning and teachers as designers of their professional development.

As a high-level event, Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, responsible for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, and Commissioner Nicolas Schmit, responsible for Jobs and Social Rights will both participate. 

Other event features

The forum will also cover

  • launch of the Work-Based Module (WBL) to bring VET institutions and companies closer in discussing how they jointly embed digital technology in the education and training provided. Watch the promotional video
  • presentation of SELFIEforTEACHERS, a new self-reflection tool designed to support the development of the teachers’ digital skills inside and outside of the school. A dedicated workshop will look specifically at teacher digital competence and how the tool can support professional learning planning.

Get involved

Submit a poster or video

Schools and students are invited to submit a contribution for the second SELFIE Forum.

Read more details below

Join a workshop

The interactive part of the forum will consist of a variety of workshops on

  • development of a digital action plan
  • digital pedagogies
  • best practices

If you are interested in attending any of these workshops, please write to us at This will allow us to inform you when registration is open.

Due to the interactive format of these sessions, a limited number of participants will be able to participate.

How to submit a contribution to the forum

Schools are invited to participate by submitting a poster or a short video of up to 3 minutes. This should be focused on a very specific topic which will portray the school experience with SELFIE, but which will also help other schools to develop their digital strategy and action plan.

Submissions will be published online and shared with forum participants.

Prepare your contributions

  • Language

Please submit in English. In case of video submissions you can use your national language, but you will need to include subtitles in English.

  • Format
    • Posters (in pdf form) created with any software most accessible to the schools. There is an option for interested schools to use e-posters ( To get access to these e-posters, schools may contact us at
    • Videos: No longer than 3 minutes
    • Images, animations, drawings for students: no specific format requirements


2 October 2021


Tagged in:  School
Published:  3 Sep 2021