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Data tal-pubblikazzjoni:  2 May 2023

7 unique social sciences programmes in Europe

Explore Erasmus Mundus social sciences programmes that offer unique interdisciplinary and cross-cultural education across Europe and beyond.

Study in Europe article

Discover unique studying opportunities through the Erasmus Mundus programme! You will have the chance to attend some of the most prestigious universities in Europe and beyond, expand your cultural horizons and gain a competitive edge in today’s global job market.

Find below 7 exceptional Erasmus Mundus programmes focused on an interdisciplinary perspective of social sciences.

  1. Global-MINDS— European Master in the Psychology of Global Mobility, Inclusion and Diversity in Society: focusing on insights into contemporary social and societal issues from Social and Cultural Psychology.
    Programme offered by universities in Portugal, Norway, Ireland and Poland.
  2. EUROSUD — International Master in South European Studies : delve into the political, social, and economic dynamics of Southern Europe.
    Programme offered by universities in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France and the United Kingdom.
  3. FLOURISH — Joint Master in Resilience in Educational Contexts: investigate how to provide a meaningful, relevant and balanced education for children growing up in adverse and marginalised circumstances. Programme offered by universities in Malta, Greece, Portugal and Romania.
  4. WOP-P — Joint Master in Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology: master the scientific study of human behaviour in organisations and the work environment.
    Programme offered by universities in Spain, Italy, Portugal, Brazil and the United States.
  5. PIONEER — Master of Science in Public Sector Innovation and e-Governance: learn about innovative approaches to public sector challenges.
    Programme offered by universities in Belgium, Estonia, and Denmark.
  6. GLODEP — International Development Studies: develop the skills and knowledge necessary to tackle global development challenges.
    Programme offered by universities in the Czech Republic, Italy, and France.
  7. EMMIR: European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations: the first African-European-Asian Erasmus Mundus programme in migration studies.
    Programme offered by 9 partner universities in Germany, Norway, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Sudan, Uganda, South Africa and India.
Data tal-pubblikazzjoni:  2 May 2023