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Published:  19 Jan 2023

Call for participants: online “squad” and workshop on micro-credentials

The European Digital Education Hub is opening a call for participants for an on-site community workshop in Barcelona and an online working group on micro-credentials.

Participants to a Digital Education Hub workshop in Brussels

The European Digital Education Hub is opening a call for participants for

  • a community workshop taking place in Barcelona on 20 and 21 March 2023
  • a “squad” (online working group) running from March to August 2023 (exact dates to be confirmed)

You must be a registered member of the European Digital Education Hub before applying for any of its activities.

Focus on micro-credentials

Both events will focus on micro-credentials, i.e. credentials that certify the outcomes of small learning experiences, which have emerged as an important policy topic in the last few years.

The need for Europe’s workforce to re-skill and up-skill has been noted widely, including in the European Skills Agenda. Micro-credentials can be a way of promoting re-skilling and up-skilling if implemented wisely.

In June 2022, the Council adopted a Recommendation on a European approach to micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability. There is now a need to transform them into something more tangible, and there is an opportunity to do so during the 2023 European Year of Skills.

Theme and format of the events

Both events will explore the best way to realise and implement the Council Recommendation on micro-credentials.

The workshop will include expert input as well as group discussions, in which participants are expected to contribute actively.

The squad will collaborate online and produce a concrete output (such as a vision paper, video, podcast, toolkit) that will be shared with the community.

When applying for participating in the squad, you will be asked to actively participate in the group work approximately one hour per week.

Selection criteria

Participants to the workshop and squad

  • should have knowledge on the broader topic of micro-credentials
  • may come from all education sectors, policymaking, workplace learning and training and the private sector
  • may be involved in projects on the topic
  • should understand the issues related to micro-credentials and be able to demonstrate their insights with examples in the application form
  • are expected to communicate results of the workshop and/or squad back to their networks and contexts
  • must work in an Erasmus+ programme country

30 seats are available for the workshop and 20 seats are available for the squad.

Should applications exceed the available seats, applicants will be selected based on their interest, their professional background and their ability to contribute to the squad.

There will also be a geographical and gender balance in the squad, and a balance of the different education and training sectors.

How to apply

If you are interested in participating and your profile meets these criteria you can apply online by 31 January 2023.

You are encouraged to apply for both the workshop and the squad, but this is not a requirement.

All applicants will be informed of the results of their applications within one week after the deadline.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask in the European Digital Education Hub’s Community Workshops channel or contact

Tagged in:  Knowledge-building
Published:  19 Jan 2023