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Közzétéve:  1 Feb 2024

Accelerator programme - three teams share what they learned from testing their digital solutions

As part of the European Digital Education Hub’s Accelerator programme, selected teams get a chance to test their digital education solution either in real-life setting, innovation lab or workshops with experts.

Pauls Irbins (Orbit8), Miska Noponen (Annie Advisor) and Kristina Jonkuvienė (EditAI) sitting on the sofa and pre-testing their digital education solutions with each other
Pauls Irbins (Orbit8), Miska Noponen (Annie Advisor) and Kristina Jonkuvienė (EditAI) pre-testing their digital education solutions with each other during the kick-off days in 2023.

Miska Noponen from Annie Advisor, Finland

We tested our support bot powered by artificial intelligence (AI)- in three workshops through discussions with experts, and we found out where to focus our research and development efforts for Annie.
We are developing something completely new, so there are many possible directions and use cases to focus on. Now we have a sense of direction and a target audience.

We found that there is almost no consensus about the role of AI in student support: preferences and views are individual rather than regional or organisational.
We are still in the early stages of using AI to support students' academic achievement or well-being, but interest is growing rapidly.

We found new targets and insights on where to focus. We discovered that we had misconceptions about how big of a role AI should play in our solution and communication. We have changed the way AI is used in the bot allowing us to benefit from large language models while keeping students safe and protecting their privacy.
In short, both our solution and strategy have matured as a result of the programme.

Read more about Annie Advisor.

Kristina Jonkuvienė from EditAI, Lithuania

We have tested EditAI, a multidisciplinary learning facilitator, with teachers and innovators in several countries including Ireland, Romania, Malta, Israel, and Turkey.
Many teachers have confirmed that EditAI helps them integrate various subjects with the topics that interest children, making learning more efficient and accessible. Our solution has no geographical limitations.

Although each country has a unique education system and curriculum, many teachers are keen to integrate subjects and make the curriculum relevant and interesting to the children.
Teachers already try to implement multidisciplinary education practices in various ways, but it is not yet a common practice. In general, teachers are eager to use digital tools such as AI to generate new ideas and prepare content.

Based on first-hand feedback from teacher-testers we are improving the quality of the project brief. We are working on improving the prompt algorithm. This will make the project brief more interesting and relevant for learners.
We are also improving the user experience for teachers, so they can prepare better and faster for class and bring relevant content to learners.
Currently, we are looking for interested schools to pilot EditAI in the classroom.

Read more about EditAI.

Pauls Irbins from Orbit8, Latvia

We tested our digital personalised career assistant with more than 300 students already. The feedback from the user tests allowed us to implement changes to the product and to improve user experience and engagement.

The feedback highlighted the need for a more adaptable and flexible tool format. One that accommodates various preferences and provides a broader spectrum of career options within specialised fields.
It also showed a potential need for localisation of the tool in target country language. This is to increase the user's ability to understand the troubles of an assessment.

The testing provided valuable insight into user behaviour and preferences when interacting with the Orbit8 assessment tool.
The next step, scheduled for the first quarter of 2024, is to incorporate necessary changes and enhancements in the upcoming iterations.
In addition, the solution will be scaled to target universities and schools as the primary customers.

Read more about Orbit8.

Tagged in:  Innovation accelerator
Közzétéve:  1 Feb 2024

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