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European Education Area

Quality education and training for all

Learning for the green transition and sustainable development

Europeans rank climate change among the most serious problems facing the world today. Education and training, like all sectors, must take action to respond to this planetary crisis.

The European Commission supports European Union (EU) countries in:

  • equipping learners and educators with knowledge and skills related to sustainability
  • helping education and training institutions embed sustainability in teaching, learning and in their daily operations
  • developing a shared understanding and vision of learning for the green transition
EU actions
Council recommendation
Peer learning and exchange
Building sustainability competences
Support for teachers
Research and evidence


Council recommendation

EU countries adopted in 2022 a Council Recommendation on learning for the green transition and sustainable development. The recommendation calls on EU countries to:

  • provide all learners with high-quality education and training on sustainability, climate change, environmental protection and biodiversity
  • prioritise sustainability in education policies and programmes from early years to adult learning
  • invest in green infrastructure and resources
  • support educators to teach about the climate crisis and sustainability
  • support hands-on, interdisciplinary learning relevant to local contexts

The Commission supports the implementation of the recommendation through peer learning, frameworks, funding, research and community building.

Read the handbook documenting the results of the public consultation carried out to prepare the recommendation

Read the Council Recommendation on learning for the green transition and sustainable development


Peer learning and exchange

A dedicated working group on sustainability in school education brings together over 40 members (education ministries, NGOs and international organisations). The group publishes results and recommendations from their meetings in the form of key policy messages.

Learn more about the group and its publications


Building sustainability competences

The European competence framework on sustainability (or GreenComp) sets out 4 competence areas for all learners:

  • Embodying sustainability values: promoting fairness, valuing nature
  • Embracing complexity in sustainability: understanding interconnected systems, recognising long-term impacts
  • Envisioning sustainable futures: using creativity to imagine future scenarios, adapting to change, thinking critically about sustainability solutions
  • Acting for sustainability: participating in collective efforts, understanding decision making related to sustainability

The GreenComp framework is now being used in

  • national and regional policies and programmes
  • curriculum review and design
  • teacher professional development programmes

Read the GreenComp, the European competence framework on sustainability

Read case studies on the use of GreenComp across Europe

The Commission also runs a community of practice dedicated to GreenComp. It gathers people and organisations that work together to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes to live, work and act sustainably.

Read about the GreenComp community of practice



Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps offer funding for projects related to sustainability in education and training.

In Erasmus+, priority is given to projects that are sustainable, incorporate green practices and values and promote awareness and behavioural changes.

Evaluators are trained to give due consideration to the environmental aspects of the projects and their impact on climate change.

This means that if your organisation applies for Erasmus+ funding, you will have to explain how your project contributes to sustainability and climate neutrality.

Read more about sustainability guidelines when applying for funding


Support for teachers

Erasmus+ teacher academies is a flagship action of the current Erasmus+ programme. The goal is to create European partnerships of teacher education and training providers and boost the European and international dimensions of teacher education in Europe.

3 of the Erasmus+ teacher academies are focusing on equipping teachers with sustainability competences:

  • EduSTA creates material for teachers to develop and demonstrate their sustainability competences with digital badges.
  • TAP-TS produces packages of resources relating to sustainability for schools and teacher education.
  • CLIMADEMYfocuses on connecting teachers and supporting them to better understand climate change drivers, impacts and mitigation options.

Looking for practical tools for your teaching? The EU Learning Corner provides teaching and learning materials on sustainability and the climate and environmental crisis for primary and secondary schools.

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