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Published:  13 Mar 2024

Erasmus+ funding: policy experimentation call for digital education projects

Are you working to improve gender balance in ICT, digital well-being, or data literacy? Apply for funding now!

What are the policy experimentation projects?

Policy experimentations are transnational cooperation projects that involve testing new activities to understand how successful they might be at addressing EU policy priorities, Specifically, they test effectiveness, potential impact and scalability.

This policy experimentations call includes 13 priorities, which are grouped under 6 main topics. The first topic aims to support digital education.

Proposals under the topic of digital education must address the following priorities:

Projects can address or bridge different educational sectors and must support high quality and inclusive digital education.

This policy experimentation call is connected to the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027.

Building gender balance in ICT studies

Recognizing the importance of diversity in the digital field, this priority seeks proposals for projects that develop teaching frameworks and policy interventions to encourage gender balance in pursuing ICT-related studies and professions.

Breaking down institutional, socio-economic, and cultural barriers is key to ensuring everyone has the chance to shape their educational and professional journey, regardless of gender.

Digital well-being

As our digital footprint expands, so does the importance of digital well-being.

This priority calls for initiatives that put into practice effective strategies to enhance digital well-being.

In a world where technology plays an integral role in education, we need to explore approaches that foster a healthy relationship with digital tools, ensuring students and educators can harness the benefits of using technology in classrooms.

Data literacy strategies

With the increasing reliance on data in the digital age, this priority seeks projects addressing data literacy strategies in primary and secondary education.

This priority emphasizes the need to equip students with the skills to navigate, understand, and critically analyse data.

Proposals should contribute to shaping an education system that prepares the future workforce for the challenges and opportunities presented by data-driven environments.

Who can apply

The applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must be legal entities (public or private bodies) active in the fields of education and training, research and innovation, or employers.

Deadline and how to apply

Download details of the call [pdf]

Apply via the Funding and Tenders Portal

Published:  13 Mar 2024