Recognition of academic qualifications for studying in Europe
Are your qualifications recognised?
Once you have decided to study in a European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) or European Free Trade Association (EFTA) member state, you need to make sure that your qualifications will be recognised.
EU countries decide individually whether or not to recognise academic qualifications obtained elsewhere.
You may need to obtain a ‘statement of comparability’ to have your degree recognised.
How to obtain a statement of comparability
To obtain a statement of comparability, first contact the ENIC-NARIC centre in the country where you would like to further study.
The ENIC-NARIC centre will either evaluate the application itself or transfer it further to the competent authority.
Before applying for comparability, make sure to check
- how much the service will cost (if there is a fee)
- how long the assessment will take – this can take several weeks or several months, depending on the country, the purpose and the complexity of the case
- what type of document will be issued as a result, for example full equivalency or a comparative report
- how to appeal if you disagree with the assessment
If your qualification is accompanied by documents, such as the Diploma Supplement, it can be more easily compared and recognised.
Find out more about the recognition of qualifications
More information about the recognition of academic qualifications is available on the Your Europe website.
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