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Published:  11 Apr 2022

Online training for the fast-track recognition of Ukrainian academic qualifications

On 6 April 2022, the European Commission and CIMEA - the Italian National Academic Recognition Information (ENIC-NARIC) centre - held an an online training to support the fast-track recognition of Ukrainian academic qualifications.

About the training

The training focused on informing higher education institutions, public bodies and organisations in the European Union (EU) and beyond about the Ukrainian higher education system, its qualifications, available tools for and resources related to the verification of academic qualifications.

More than 1,250 people from 80 countries took part in the training, including participants from higher education institutions and national ministries, as well as credential evaluators.

Rapid recognition mechanism

The training provided information on a simple and rapid recognition mechanism that can facilitate people fleeing the Russian invasion of Ukraine benefitting from temporary protection to be able to study at the right level and work in jobs for which they are qualified.

Receive training

Watch the recording of the training and find the guidelines on the fast–track recognition of Ukrainian academic qualifications on the CIMEA (Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence) website.


Published:  11 Apr 2022