Meet the Global Winners of DigiEduHack 2024
The 4 winning solutions range from improving accessibility to incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into teaching and personal development resources.

The fifth edition of Digital Education Hackathon (DigiEduHack) span across 51 local hackathons in 25 countries all over the world.
Following an expert panel selection, 12 front-running projects moved into the final round of public voting. Two weeks and more than 7700 votes later, we have 4 Global Winners!
Beginner Award
This category awards solutions by teams that have recently started their journey in the digital education, have little or no previous experience in hackathons, or bring a promising solution in an early stage of maturity.
Winner: EduMind
Team Tec Guadalajara won with the EduMind solution from the hackathon DigiEduHack @Tec Guadalajara, hosted by Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico.
EduMind is an AI-powered platform that helps educators craft interactive, personalized materials for every student, boosting engagement and efficiency in the classroom.
Winner: AIcademy
The C.E.E. Team won with the AIcademy project from the hackathon New Recipes from ESTEAM Learning, hosted by IISS Salvatore Trinchese, Italy.
AIcademy is a digital platform that brings together the entire educational community to support students using artificial intelligence to personalise plans tailored to their schedule, needs, and goals.
Winner: Signedge
Team Los Resolvers won with the Signedge solution from the hackathon 28h – Digital Citizenship: Skills and Knowledge for the Common Good, hosted by Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Peru.
Signedge is an interactive app that teaches sign language and digital literacy and promotes inclusion and communication across communities. Users learn through gamified lessons, earn rewards, and contribute to social impact while fostering a collaborative learning environment.
Experienced Award
This category awards solutions proposed by teams with experience in hackathons and/or expertise in their fields.
Winner: MyVision
Team InnovateEdTech won with the MyVision solution from the hackathon InnovateEdTech: Imagine Transformative Learning Solutions, hosted by Universita di Trento, Italy.
The MyVision app helps students to choose the best university course and guides them in their personal development when applying to university with the support of an AI chatbot.
Next DigiEduHack edition
The next edition will take place 7-16 November 2025 under the theme “Rethinking education in the age of digital skills”. Prior to the active hacking days, hosts and participants will have the opportunity to join numerous learning opportunities and training for hosting a hackathon.
Registration for hosts is now open and welcomes schools, universities, public authorities, non-formal education sector, business, and other sector related to digital education to participate.
A global European Commission initiative
DigiEduHack is a series of 24-hour hackathons held by local organisations to support grassroot innovation and drive positive change in digital education. It brings teams from across the education and training to develop solutions to major challenges in digital education, such as emerging technologies, basic digital skills, data-driven education, or access and availability.
DigiEduHack is part of the Digital Education Action Plan.
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