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Published:  10 Oct 2023

EU-wide report investigates national methods to counter discrimination in schools

A report by the Eurydice Network showcases national and top-level policies that tackle inequalities and discrimination and promote diversity and inclusion in school education.

A child's hand drawing a multicoloured pattern with some crayons.

The publication is a detailed analysis for policy makers and schools which compares policies and measures across 39 European education systems.

It presents many country examples which showcase some of the most recent policy developments and provide an overview of current initiatives taken across Europe.

It focuses especially on learners who are most likely to experience disadvantage or discrimination in schools, including students from different migrant, ethnic and religious backgrounds, LGBTIQ+ students, and students with special educational needs or disabilities.

Key findings

EU policy underlines the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion in school education. However, much evidence shows that there are persistent differences in equity of educational access, experience and outcomes when looking at students with different personal and social characteristics.

Types of current measures

Some of the concrete policy initiatives promoted across Europe are

  • developing strategic policy frameworks in line with EU policies and equality strategies
  • promoting diversity and inclusion through school curricula and assessments adapted to the needs of learners with special educational needs or disabilities, including non-native speakers
  • providing financial support for school-related costs to compensate for socioeconomic disadvantage
  • ensuring teacher education and training on diversity and inclusion and encouraging the use of educational support staff
  • cooperating with independent organisations, including national equality bodies, to address discrimination in school education



To create all-encompassing educational environments, schools need to mainstream diversity and inclusion through teaching content, methods and in everyday school life. This also requires attention to individual talents, challenges and needs.

Learners should always feel supported and enabled to reach their full potential. Addressing biases and promoting inclusion from an early age can help to prevent discrimination, bullying and violence in education.

Published:  10 Oct 2023

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