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European Education Area

Quality education and training for all

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Employment and volunteering resources

Looking for a job or to volunteer? Check out these resources to help you on your way!

Digital Skills and Jobs Platform

The platform is the home of digital skills information from across Europe and the heart of the digital skills and jobs community.

Explore the platform

Erasmus+ programme

Erasmus+ is the EU's funding programme supporting education, training, youth and sport.

Find out about Erasmus+


The EURAXESS website presents job and funding opportunities around Europe for researchers.

See EURAXESS opportunities


EURES is a European cooperation network of employment services, designed to facilitate the free movement of workers.

Discover EURES

European Social Fund

This instrument funds tens of thousands of local, regional and national employment-related projects throughout Europe.

Visit the European Social Fund website

European Solidarity Corps

Browse a range of volunteering projects and job opportunities. 

See opportunities

Work and retirement - Your Europe

Find out about your rights and obligations concerning work and retirement within the European Union (EU).

Discover my rights

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