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Közzétéve:  18 Nov 2024

Meet the team behind Spotiself, an AI-driven platform for personalised student career guidance

Interview with Lina Stubrienė, Product Manager at Spotiself. This article is part of a series introducing the teams and their solutions from the 2024 edition of the Digital Education Accelerator.

Spotiself team from left to right, back row: Dalius Butkus, Augustas Jakaitis, Saulius Maknickas, Donatas Butkus; front row: Edita Mačiulskė, Lina Stubrienė Daiva Šilienė, Oksana Sruogienė

Spotiself is an platform that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to provide personalised career guidance for students.

The platform connects students, teachers and parents in a collaborative network to support holistic career development.

Meet Lina Stubrienė

Lina is a Product Manager at Spotiself with experience in career management and educational innovation. She leads the development of AI-driven tools that help students build self-awareness and career skills, transforming career guidance for the digital age.

Lina is passionate about using technology to empower students and prepare them for future success.

Who else is in your team?

  • Dalius Butkus - Founder
  • Oksana Sruogienė - CEO
  • Saulius Maknickas - IT Architect and Web Developer
  • Deimantė Januškienė - Sales Manager
  • Daiva Šilienė - Career Counselor / Educator
  • Edita Mačiulskė - Career Counselor
  • Augustas Jakaitis - Web Developer

What are the biggest challenges in digital education?

The need for personalisation and adaptability. Traditional teaching methods, especially in areas such as career planning, are often unable to meet the individual needs of students.

There is a growing demand for students to develop both digital and soft skills that are critical for the future workforce, but traditional systems often do not provide the tools or support necessary for this development.

What challenges in digital education does your solution address?

Spotiself is a comprehensive, AI-driven platform that delivers personalised career guidance to students. The platform tailors its content to each student’s individual needs, fostering self-awareness and helping them set and track meaningful career goals.

Spotiself also increases the efficiency of career counsellors by enabling data-driven decision-making and improving the overall sustainability of educational processes. The platform helps students build essential digital and soft skills, ensuring they are better prepared for the future workforce.

“Our mission is to equip students with the tools they need to make informed career choices, empowering them to understand themselves, set goals, and track progress with support from their educational network.” 

Lina Stubrienė, Product Manager at Spotiself

How can the Accelerator programme support you?

The Accelerator programme and the Hub can support Spotiself by providing mentorship to refine the platform and help us stay on top of emerging trends, such as AI-driven personalised learning and gamification.

Networking opportunities through the programme will also allow Spotiself to connect with educational institutions and industry leaders, broadening our reach and enabling us to make a greater impact in schools both locally and internationally.

What are the next steps for your team?

Spotiself’s next steps include scaling the platform to reach more schools, both locally and globally, and enhancing its AI capabilities to further improve user experience and engagement.

We also plan to build more collaborations with educational institutions and industry partners to ensure greater impact and reach.

Keen to learn more?

Are you passionate about digital education? The European Digital Education Hub is a collaborative online community that provides a platform to share best practices, discuss and participate in activities related to digital education.

Tagged in:  Innovation accelerator
Közzétéve:  18 Nov 2024

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