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Date de publication:  20 Sep 2023

What’s happening in the accelerator this fall?

After the Digital Education Accelerator's second edition kicked off in June, an intensive 3-month coaching phase for the selected teams began in August. Read about what's next for the teams.

Group of members from various teams selected at the 2023 Accelerator Programme holding up their crossed arms and fists
The teams are ready for action during the Accelerator kick-off days in June 2023.

Online coaching

In this second phase of the accelerator programme, the participating 8 teams will meet with the coaches 3 times a week: a check-in on Mondays, a workshop on Wednesdays and a check-out on Fridays. This intensive support will help the teams reach their goals. The workshops also open a possibility to engage with the expert mentors or other activities of the European Digital Education Hub.

The intensive online coaching will continue until early November, followed by weekly check-in calls until the end of January 2024.

Expert mentoring

The teams have a group of mentors across Europe to support them throughout the programme and even beyond. 10 of the selected experts are from the field of education and 8 from business sector. The participants can engage with the mentors through 1-on-1 calls and through workshop sessions where a mentor can be invited as the expert of a selected topic. The strong connections between mentors and the teams could also lead to further collaboration beyond the programme. Mentoring will run as a parallel process to the online coaching.

2 testing environments

As a part of the programme, all the selected prototypes and solutions will be tested in 2 different environments across Europe. The participants have the possibility to direct where and for what purpose the testing is carried out. The European Schoolnet is supporting these activities through their wide networks and vast experience. The testing will in itself accelerate the participants to develop their solutions and get them tested by end users.

Showcasing across Europe

The selected solutions will be showcased during different events across Europe. These events are international conferences or workshops where the teams can interact with the audience, get visibility for their solutions, receive useful feedback, and open new connections for future collaboration. During the final “End of year 2” event on January 312024, the participants will share their experiences and results with the community of practice of European Digital Education Hub.

Follow the announcements in the Hub’s accelerator channel and join the upcoming showcasing events to learn more about the accelerated solutions.

Interested in the Accelerator Programme?

If you’re interested in joining the next edition of the accelerator, you can apply during the next application round in 2024.

Also, if you’d be interested in providing a testing or showcasing opportunity for the current teams in the programme, please contact the accelerator team through

Date de publication:  20 Sep 2023