Readiness of micro-credentials: conditions for maturity and impact
Join the discussion with guest experts about the implementation of micro-credentials in the educational field.
Experts on micro-credentials will join share with the participants their experience and practical knowledge, as well as useful resources, about the implementation of micro-credentials in the educational field.
The goal of the webinar is to contribute to a European level conversation examining the conditions and drivers required for successful adoption, implementation and widespread impact across the European education and training sectors.
This is a knowledge building activity organised by the European Digital Education Hub.
About the webinar
During this webinar, guest experts will talk about
- the rising movement of micro-credentialing in education, training and labour
- institutional readiness to implement micro-credentials
Questions guiding the discussion
- How should we think about micro-credentialing development at different levels across organisations and regions?
- What does micro-credentialing impact look like at an institutional level, regional level?
- What could go wrong? What are undesirable micro-credentialing strategies and implementation scenarios?
Evaluating micro-credentialing outcomes
- What long-term outcomes do we want to achieve with micro-credentials?
Who is responsible for evaluating the achievement of micro-credentialing outcomes?
- Paul den Hertog, SURF, The Netherlands
- Padmasheela Kiiskilä, Tampere University, Finland
- Lena Patterson, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada
The session will be moderated by Mitchell Peters, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain.
Who can join
- researchers
- education practitioners
- students
- members of the European Digital Education Hub community
Practical information
The event will take place on 24 April at 14.00 - 15.30 CET.
Become a Hub member
You need to be a registered member of the European Digital Education Hub to access the session. If you haven’t signed up yet, it is easy and completely for free! Hub membership will be granted within 5 working days.
Policy background
This webinar is linked to the European approach to micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability. The focus will be on institutional readiness and conditions for reaching maturity and impact.
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