Citizens’ panel: “How can we make an opportunity for learning mobility a reality for everyone?”
Citizens’ panel discussions will take place 3 to 5 March 2023 in Brussels about improving learning mobility opportunities for everyone
What is learning mobility?
Learning mobility means going abroad to study or train to develop professional and social skills and employability. It includes opportunities for learning and teaching abroad in the EU and beyond for everyone, in all sectors and at all levels of formal, non-formal and informal learning, such as:
- higher education students studying abroad as part of education exchange programmes
- vocational education and training learners and apprentices
- school pupils
- young people in youth exchanges
- adult learners in adult education schemes
- teachers, youth workers, and sport coaches
Learning mobility activities are highly valuable experiences for people in gaining knowledge, skills and competences needed for personal, educational, and professional development, as well as civic engagement and social inclusion.
Learning mobility is a strong driver for enhancing the quality of education and training institutions and of organisations and stakeholders involved in non-formal and informal learning contexts and youth work. Cross-border experiences also actively contribute to the development of a European identity.
Citizens Panels
The European Commission is running a new initiative to promote learning mobility for everyone in the European Education Area, no matter where people come from or where they are in life.
To do so, the Commission is inviting around 150 participants from all the 27 Member States to debate on the following question:
“How can we make an opportunity for learning mobility a reality for everyone?”
Three panel sessions will take place in Brussels between March and April 2023:
- Session 1: 3-5 March, with opening keynote by Mariya Gabriel, the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
- Session 2: 24-26 March
- Session 3: 28-30 April
Find more information about the timeline, discussion topics, and access to the live streams on the European Citizens' Learning Mobility Panel
Have your say on learning mobility
The Commission is also asking you for help in making learning mobility in Europe more accessible and has opened a dedicated public consultation on learning opportunities (learning mobility) abroad in Europe for everyone.
You are invited to share your perspective about:
- the main hurdles for learning mobility abroad
- what needs to be done to increase opportunities for all