2024 European Day of Languages: Europeans and their languages
Celebrate with us European multilingualism! We will present and discuss the results of the latest Eurobarometer on Europeans and their languages!
Key speakers
The event will be opened by Iliana Ivanova, EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.
The following speakers will explain how the European Commission supports multilingualism:
- Pia Ahrenkilde-Hansen - Director General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC)
- Christos Ellinides - Director General for Translation
- Genoveva (Veva) Ruiz Calavera - Director General for Interpretation
The event will be hosted by
- Anna Solé Mena - Senior Expert on Multilingualism at DG EAC
- Mariusz Czarnecki - Policy Officer at the Directorate General for Translation
We will connect with
- Outi Vilkuna - Chair of the Federation of Foreign Language Teachers, Finland
- Tomáš Klinka - Foreign Language Teacher Educator, Czech Republic
- Manuel Moreira da Silva - President of the Association of Language Centres of Higher Education, Portugal
Follow the event online
The event will take place on 26 September at 12.00 - 13.00 Central European Time (CET).
You will be able to watch the livestream on this page. The event will be multilingual, with subtitles available in all EU languages.
A panoply of celebrations
Many language and cultural institutes, associations, universities and schools take part in various events and activities happening throughout the EU.
These events will be both online and in-person.
Find European Day of Languages events near you
You can also join the Knowledge Centre of Interpretation virtual café on European Day of Languages: Celebrating the 20 years since the 2004 EU enlargement on 26 September, from 15.00 - 16.45 CET.
The European School Education Platform celebrates the European Day of Languages during the month of September.
Visit the European School Education Platform for the latest articles
On 26 September, the European Digital Education Hub is organising a webinar on the theme "Pros and cons of digital language learning".
Join the webinar "Pros and cons of digital language learning"
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