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European Education Area

Quality education and training for all


Make the most of your higher education institution’s innovative potential!

HEInnovate is a free online self-assessment tool that guides higher education institutions (HEIs) through a process of identification, prioritisation and action planning along eight broad thematic areas.

You can assess your institution by using a number of statements and action cards related to its entrepreneurial and innovative nature.

Your institution can use HEInnovate to diagnose areas of strengths and weaknesses, open up a discussion on the entrepreneurial and innovative nature of the institution, and measure evolution over time.

You can get

  • instant access to results
  • guidance for action planning
  • extensive training and support materials

Who the self-assessment is for

HEInnovate can be used by all types of higher education institutions. It is available in all EU languages.

Registration is free of charge, confidential and open to anyone.

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