Meet the Global Winners of DigiEduHack 2023
Discover the 4 teams who won the fourth edition of the Digital Education Hackathon (DigiEduHack)!

DigiEduHack 2023 span across 39 local hackathons in 22 countries all over the world. 11 front runners emerged, each holding a groundbreaking solution in their hands, ready to transform the digital education landscape.
After three weeks of public voting and with more than 5300 submitted votes, 4 teams have been selected as the winners.
Beginner Award: Social impact
This category rewards solutions that aim to benefit society and the community within the digital education landscape, by promoting inclusion and diversity.
Winner: IVAN
Team iTEENER won with the IVAN solution from the hackathon Schools as an Agent of Change Towards Sustainability, hosted by Fondazione Scuola, Italy.
IVAN stands for International Volunteering Association Network. It is a social network that encourages school communities to engage in volunteering activities on sustainability and innovation.
Experienced Award: Social impact
This category rewards solutions that promote inclusion and diversity, demonstrate sustainability and scalability potential, and involve relevant stakeholders to foster empowerment and community engagement.
Winner: Artificial Reality
Team Amp Empire won with the solution Artificial Reality from the hackathon DGHack4STEM- Digital Games Hackathon for STEM Careers, hosted by Aravaca Innovation Lab, Spain.
Artificial Reality aims to improve education in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by introducing virtual reality as a teaching tool. This technology allows young people to easily learn thanks to practical and visual teaching methods.
Beginner Award: Disruptive technology
This category rewards solutions that introduce novel tools or technologies, challenging the existing norms in digital education and incorporate cutting-edge technology.
Team Guacamole won with the solution ADAPTATEC from the hackathon DigiEduHack @TEC CDMX powered by IFE & Emprendimiento Tec, hosted by Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico.
ADAPTATEC is an innovative digital education platform designed to support students with various learning needs. It also helps teachers in their work with adaptive tools, such as large language models.
Experienced Award: Disruptive technology
This category rewards solutions that existing norms through innovative tools or technologies, simplify complex learning processes or enhance learner’s engagement.
Winner: EdMap
Team EdMap won with their solution from the hackathon EduEmpower: Empowering Adult Learners Through Technology - DigiEduHack 2023, hosted by Tallinn University, Estonia.
EdMap offers a dynamic learning ecosystem designed to bridge the divide between education and career achievement in the IT industry. It provides to its learners a simulated IT work environment that mirrors real-life industry experience. This offers the unique opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge, foster collaboration with fellow learners, and acquire valuable industry experience.
Watch live the award ceremony
On 29 April, the winning teams will receive their awards during the “Digital Education Action Plan in Review” event.
Next DigiEduHack edition
The next edition will take place in November 2024. Registration for hosts are now open.
A global European Commission initiative
The goal of DigiEduHack is to support grassroots innovation and drive positive change in digital education. It brings together teams from across the education and training sector who compete for the most innovative digital education solutions. They represent schools, universities, NGOs, innovation centres, research labs, and the private sector.
DigiEduHack is part of the Digital Education Action Plan.
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