27 Feb 2025
Are you an expert interested in innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education? Apply today!
Apply before 15 March to join an expert group connected to HEInnovate, a tool of the European Strategy for Universities.

A new HEInnovate expert group
HEInnovate will create a new group of experts with the mission to enhance innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education, in line with the new political priorities of the European Commission.
The new HEInnovate expert group will serve as:
- A hub for generating new ideas to support the conceptual development strategic advancement and promotion of the HEInnovate self-assessment tool
- A leading source of knowledge, experience and peer learning for higher education institutions using the HEInnovate self-assessment tool
Who can apply
The HEInnovate expert group seeks individuals with diverse backgrounds and expertise that can contribute to the promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship.
Desired profiles include:
- Higher education leaders and administrators: rectors, deans, and heads of schools who are responsible for shaping institutional strategies and overseeing the implementation of entrepreneurial and innovative initiatives.
- Innovation and entrepreneurship facilitators: professionals who manage entrepreneurship support units, technology transfer offices, knowledge valorisation offices or community engagement initiatives. This includes individuals working to bridge the gap between academia, industry and society.
- Academics: researchers and educators with experience in entrepreneurship teaching and learning, as well as those involved in developing innovative curricula and advancing knowledge in higher education.
- Quality assurance professionals: experts from quality assurance offices who specialise in the assessment and improvement of institutional frameworks to support entrepreneurship and innovation.
- Other stakeholders: representatives of private, public, and civil society organisations, including innovation intermediaries, companies, technology parks and other entities working with higher education institutions to promote innovation, entrepreneurship and regional development education policy makers practitioners’ academics
Application and guidelines
Application deadline is 14 March 2025 at 23:00 CET.
27 Feb 2025
Last updated: