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HEInnovate webinar - A system for determining the degree of digitisation of a (higher) education institution

The HEInnovate webinar “A system for determining the degree of digitisation of a (higher) education institution” will take place on Thursday 26 January 2023 at 17:00 CET.

26 January 2023

The HEInnovate webinar “A system for determining the degree of digitisation of a (higher) education institution” will take place on Thursday 26 January 2023 at 17:00 CET.

In this webinar we will explore the system that was developed by the University of Ruse, Bulgaria to assess the degree of digitisation of a (higher) education institution.

Three contributors from the University will share their experience and work in the development and delivery of this initiative,  and provide insight into an education4.0 classroom design during the webinar.

About HEInnovate

HEInnovate is a self-reflection tool for Higher Education Institutions who wish to explore their innovative potential. It guides you through a process of identification, prioritisation and action planning in eight key areas. The self-assessment is available in all EU languages.

HEInnovate is an initiative of the European Commission in partnership with the OECD.

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