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Δημοσιεύτηκε:  5 Oct 2022

Celebrating one year of SELFIE for TEACHERS

World Teachers' Day on 5 October marks the first anniversary of the SELFIE for TEACHERS online tool. More than 60,000 primary and secondary teachers have used the free online tool since its release.


SELFIE for TEACHERS allows teachers to reflect on and review how they are using digital tools and technologies in different areas, including lesson planning, assessment, communicating with students and working with colleagues.

Each teacher using the tool answers a series of questions in six areas. Once they have submitted their answers, they receive a personalised feedback report with tips and suggestions for improvement.

The tool is now available in 28 languages. New features added this year include the possibility to compare results over time and a more interactive display of results.

As well as helping individual teachers, groups of teachers from the same school or different schools can use SELFIE for TEACHERS together. Over 1,200 groups have used the tool so far to identify their strengths and gaps to plan their professional learning.

Most teachers using the tool are located in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Germany, with the majority working in primary schools. Discover how teachers are using the tool.

Next steps

We are currently finalising a toolkit to guide teachers on how to use the tool, individually or with colleagues, and how to make the most of the feedback report. By the end of October, the toolkit will be available (in English) on the resources page.

We are also working on a version of SELFIE for TEACHERS for early childhood education and care staff. Together with experts from the sector, we are reviewing the self-reflection statements to see what is relevant to early years staff and what should be removed, added or adjusted.

The next step will be to test this new version with early childhood education and care professionals to gauge their feedback and make further improvements. A full version of the tool for early years education will be released in 2023.


The SELFIE for TEACHERS expert network brings together teachers, teacher educators, trainers, policymakers and researchers from across Europe, all of whom are using the tool in different ways – for example, to support student teachers or to help school leaders to identify the training needs of staff. A report summarising these different use cases will be published by the end of 2023.


SELFIE for TEACHERS has been designed and developed by the European Commission in close cooperation with education experts from across Europe. It is one of the actions of the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027.

Δημοσιεύτηκε:  5 Oct 2022

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