What the education community thinks about the Pathways to School Success initiative
School success needs long-term, systemic and inclusive policies, according to respondents to the Commission’s public consultation on the new Pathways to School Success initiative.
What is the Pathways to School Success initiative?
The aim of the initiative, which forms part of the European Education Area, is to promote better educational outcomes for young Europeans.
This means
- raising the level of proficiency in basic skills
- having fewer young people leaving education without at least an upper secondary degree
- focusing on well-being and mental health at school
About the consultation
Between May and September 2021, the European Commission organised online workshops with representatives from Member States and organisations active in the field of education, with researchers and practitioners.
From June to September 2021, a public consultation was open to hear everyone’s views and priorities. The consultation was an opportunity to identify obstacles hindering some learners.
What did respondents say?
The majority of respondents highlighted the need for long-term and systemic policies, based on a broad and inclusive vision for school success.
This includes combining actions at the system level, such as access for all children to high-quality, affordable and adequately staffed early childhood education and care, as well as at the school level, with a strong focus on promoting a whole-school approach.
Respondents also confirmed that learners’ socio-economic background and the support they receive at home are crucial factors to their success at school.
Possible measures to address these challenges emerged from the consultation.&
Find out more
For more information about the results of the public consultation, see
- short analysis of the results of the consultation activities
- full summary report and the complete results
The results will inform a proposal for a Council Recommendation on Pathways to School Success that the Commission will adopt in early 2022.
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